Tuesday, March 4, 2008
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Pictorials expressing the current situation in Fiji. You have the "right" to disagree on here,which is a nice "right" to have, wouldn't you say? Please click on the pic and save the large version!!! (Sorry if page loads slow..but its worth it!)
Someone commented on events in Fiji as being an indication of "the last days", and it was now happening in our country.
Vore and his cohorts are just pawns, and if it weren't him/them, it surely would have been others.
I don't consider myself to be Christian. But I think anyone who is knowledgeable of the bible and its passages that speak of the end times can easily relate it to our current political situation.
It isn't SDL's "corrupt governance" or the coup instigators power hungry vices that needs our focus. It's standing firm in what we believe in. Be it democracy, family, our livelihood, or "god".
Vore will come and go. Things will steadily get worse. It's all moot. The "voice of the people" will subside into whispers. Then perhaps silent screams. Then nothing.
I would agree that many of the actions of this regime appear to be steps toward the inevitable, as those things that are prophesied as the "last days" are ushered in. Not only within Fiji of course, but the entire world is seeing changes as it's prepared.
I would also agree that we need to stand firm in what we believe in. For some it becomes a quandary, if it is the inevitable then why bother trying to make a change or a difference? What do you stand for, whether it's in family, God, life or gov? Do you stand for justice, freedom or truth? Then act like it.
Is it all "moot"? I think not. We are all responsible at least for our own little corner of this world. If our actions can prevent or alleviate even one person's suffering whether from this regime's physical abuses, intimidations or economical suffrage, then it’s worth the fight. It's what you stand for that makes you who you are.
I suppose it can be debated if they are truly "pawns". Have they lost their ability to have free choice? Are they pawns to the point of not being responsible for their actions? And if they are just puppets to be manipulated in this theater of "the last days".. then i say its worth trying to take advantage for the good.
The "screams" never die out. They may be silenced for a period, or buried even deeper where they build and one day erupt even more powerful than when the oppressor attempted to silence them. Like a volcano its "silence" is more of dormancy... building... the quiet before the storm. Do not mistake "Fiji Silenced" for any kind of compromise or forfeiture. One look tells you it is not. It speaks of the oppression of a military dictatorship and its objective to suppress and control. The misnomer comes in that it does just the opposite when it attempts to silence.
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